ACA Insurance Booklet

New to Obamacare? (64 and under)

By completing the contact form above or calling the number listed above, you will be directed to a licensed sales agent who can answer your questions and provide information about Medicare options, such as Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug (Part D), and Medicare Supplement insurance plans. Licensed insurance agents are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program. Submitting this form does NOT affect your current enrollment, nor will it enroll you in a Medicare Advantage Plan, Prescription Drug Plan, or other Medicare plan. A Medicare Advantage Plan is a health insurance plan provided through a private insurer and delivers Medicare Part A and Part B benefits. A Part D Drug Plan is a prescription drug insurance plan provided through a private insurer and delivers Medicare Part D benefits. Add applicable TCPA wording from this: "This is an insurancerelated solicitation. Calls [may be made by [auto dialer], [text], or [robocall] and] are for marketing purposes. Consent is given even if number is on a Do Not Call registry. Cellular carrier charges may apply. Providing permission does not impact eligibility to enroll or the provision of services. You can change consent preferences, at any time, by calling call (TTY: 711)."
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